FAQ - Frequently asked questions

What are the arrival and departure times for our arrival at Pavillon M ?
On the day of your arrival, we are only available from 04:00 pm to 07:00 pm to welcome you.
Please let us know if you expect to arrive after 07:00 pm.
On the day of your departure, check-out is at 11:00 am.
Access to the property, including to the pool and garden, is not possible before check-in at 04:00 pm or after check-out at 11:00 am.

Is it possible to arrive before 04:00pm on the day of our arrival ?
Is it possible on the day of departure to use the pool & garden after checking out at 11:00am ?

On the day of departure, as our guests vacate their rooms at 11:00 am and new arrivals are expected from 04:00 pm, there is little time left to clean the rooms, common areas, control the pool & spa, do some shopping etc. As our priority is to offer you the best possible service, we unfortunately cannot welcome you before 04:00 pm or allow you to stay at Pavillon M after 11:00 am on your departure day.

Do you have rooms for 3 people ?
All our rooms are designed for 2 people, with no possibility of adding extra beds. Pavillon M is not suitable for babies or young children.

Can I bring my little dog ?

We love animals and share our daily life with our cat Caramelle. In order to avoid any annoyance between owners and animals, we are sorry that we cannot accept your dog.

Do we have to bring our own sheets, towels and pool towels ?
All linen (sheets, towels, bathrobes, slippers) is available in your room.

Coming from Lyon, which motorway exit should I take ?
Pavillon M is about 15 minutes from exit 18 - Montélimar Sud

Do you propose table d'hôtes ?
We only offer table d'hôtes between the end of November and the beginning of March during our melanosporum (black truffle) tasting weekends. Pavillon M is located less than 2 minutes walk from the centre of Grignan and its many restaurants. If you wish to dine in one of these restaurants on the day of your arrival, we strongly advise you to book in advance. Click here to discover our favourite restaurants

For reasons of hygiene and cleanliness, we ask you not to picnic in your room or on the property. No outside drinks may be brought in. There is a bar with various drinks for sale: soft drinks, beer, wine, champagne etc.

Where can we park our car ?
Pavillon M has an outside car park located within the grounds of the property and closed by a secure gate, the code of which we will give you during your stay.

Do you accept credit cards ?
You can pay the deposit and the balance of your stay by credit card (except American Express) or in cash. Cheques are not accepted.